Friday, January 15, 2016

Feliz Año Nuevo!

During the first week of January the children were excited and did a great job coming back to school after our winter break! Everyone remembered well their routines and transitioned back to school nicely!

We started talking about where animals live, what they look like and what kind of noises they make. Some animals (animales) we've talked about are vaca, caballo, chivo, pavo, pato, gallina, cerdo, león, cebra, tigre, cocodrilo, jirafa, elefante, etc. We painted paper plates to make lion faces and we formed clay into animal shapes.
We also talked about the letter S and learned about words that start with s: Sofia, Sarah, sirena, serrucho, sandía, siete, serpiente, sartén, etc. 
Outside the children enjoyed touching, feeling and playing with the seeds (semillas) that the birds can eat from bird feeders. They also pretended to be birds (pájaros) and built a "bird's nest" for themselves!

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