Friday, January 23, 2015

Los animales

This month we have been learning about farm animals (caballo, vaca, perro, gato), wild animals (jirafa, elefante, cebra, rinoceronte) and animals that live in the ocean (pez, ballena, pulpo). We also drew, painted and sculpted some animals.

 The children really enjoyed collaborating while completing puzzles.
The day it was too rainy and cold to go outside the children ran up and down the hallway with trucks, then did some yoga. Can you recognize "downward dog"?


  1. Wow!! These little kids are looking so cute!! It reminds me of my Phoenix kindergarten where I had worked for 5 years as a teacher. Actually we have been shifted to Italy now. I really miss those days.

  2. Thank you! The children are really learning a lot and it is very exciting!
