Friday, March 13, 2015

Las plantas = Plants

Our monthly unit of study is plants. We planted beans in soil and watered them. We'll see if they grow!
We learned that plants need 1. tierra (soil) 2. agua (water) 3. sol (Sun) 4. aire (air). We glued these elements onto paper.
When outside, we observed the plants, trees, soil, sun, air, rain all around us and we sang: Que llueva, que llueva, la Vieja de la cueva. Los pajaritos cantan, la madre se levanta. Que sí, que no, que llueva un chaparrón!
Our letter of the week was S and words that we discussed that start with s are Sarah, sirena, sandía, sartén, sobre, siete, serpiente, serrucho, etc.

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