Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Reflection about Our Year

What an amazing school year we had! We grew in so many ways, we learned a lot and we had a lot of fun along the way! We are very proud to note that the children absorbed a lot of Spanish and their Spanish knowledge has noticeably improved over this past year!
These are pictures from our first week of school in September:

These pictures are from our last week of school in June:
In September we learned All About Ourselves, in October we learned about our Families. In November we talked about the seasons and especially the Fall and in December we learned about the Winter and cultural celebrations around the world.
In January we learned about Animals, in February we discussed Shapes and in March we learned about Plants and the Spring.
In April our unit of study was Foods and in May we learned about our Clothing.
During our school year we also had several social events like community nights and parties. In September we celebrated the opening of our Preschool!
In October the children wore their costumes and we got together in our classroom for our Fall Community Night. In January we shared a Rosca de Reyes (King's cake) and celebrated together at our Winter Community Night.
In April we celebrated Día del Niño (Children's Day) with a fun community party in our backyard!

Colores Preschool would like to THANK all of our children, parents, families and friends for all your wonderful SUPPORT this year!!! It truly was an amazing year! See you back at school in September!


  1. Truly, this seems like an amazing preschool!! I really admire your way of teaching to the kids. I am also seeking recommendations for a good Phoenix pre-k for my daughter. I hope I’ll find a good pre-k pretty soon!

  2. Thank you very much for your kind words! We love what we do at Colores Preschool!

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