Friday, September 11, 2015

Our first two weeks of school

Bienvenidos, welcome to a new school year! The children and teachers are adjusting very well to our school routines! 
We started our year by exploring our theme of the month of September, Yo or I. During our first week of school we discussed vocabulary related to our face, cara: ojos, nariz, boca, orejas, pelo, dientes, etc. We made faces with stickers and decorated masks with markers:
Our letter of the week was A and we talked about words that start with A: Althea, Ana, avión, azul, araña, etc. Some of the children traced A on paper and they also glued paper strips onto As.
Everyone had a lot of fun playing outside. The new sandbox was a hit!

The children like to pretend to cook with the sand, dirt, flowers, grass or whatever they find outside and they "eat dinner together" (cenan juntos) or "they go to birthday parties" (van a fiestas de cumpleaños).

During our second week of school we learned about Emotions, Emociones and sang this song:
Estoy feliz, estoy feliz, estoy feliz,
estoy muy triste, estoy muy triste, estoy muy triste,
estoy molesto, estoy molesto, estoy molesto,
estoy sorprendido, sorprendido, sorprendido.

Estoy pensando, estoy pensando, estoy pensando,
estoy aburrido, estoy aburrido, estoy aburrido,
estoy asustado, asustado, asustado,
estoy feliz, estoy feliz, estoy feliz!

The children enjoyed watching their teachers express the different emotions while singing! The children also completed with eyes happy, sad and angry (feliz, triste, molesto) faces:

 And they had a lot of fun painting, playing, making new friends and reconnecting with old friends!

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