Friday, November 6, 2015

Otoño = Fall

We are talking about the four seasons (estaciones) with emphasis on the fall (otoño), the season of the year that we are in now. We are starting to feel the cooler (frío) weather outside, it rained (lluvia) for a few days, the leaves (hojas) are turning yellow (amarillo), orange (anaranjado) and brown (café) and are falling (caen) to the ground. We can find fall leaves and acorns (bellotas) outside!

The children have fun finding acorns, leaves, grass, rocks, sand outside and pretend to cook, eat, host a party together with their findings!
Inside they love to play with instruments while listening to songs (canciones).
Our newly assembled easel (thanks to Althea and Case's dad) received a lot of love this week!


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