Friday, November 11, 2016

El oto​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ño/Fall

Now that the cooler rainier weather has arrived, we started talking about how seasons change and that fall (el otoño) has arrived! We observed the leaves (hojas), acorns (bellotas), nuts (nueces) falling to the ground outside and collected some at our playground. Then we used our collection for fall nature art. We made lanterns out of paper bags with leaves and all kinds of interesting sculptures with clay, acorns and nuts...
We learned words that start with la letra u: utensilios, uniforme, uña, uno, uvas, etc. The children glued paper squares onto U and u to reinforce the learning of the letter's shape.

For a sensory activity, we mixed shaving cream with paint. The children enjoyed using their sense of touch and manipulating the liquids.

Outside the children enjoyed running around in the cooler weather and the ride-on toys got a lot of use!
In our classroom the children love to pretend play with baby dolls, build with blocks and read books.

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