Tuesday, May 19, 2015

La ropa = Clothing

This month we are learning about pieces of clothing we wear and the differences between what we put on in summer, winter, fall and spring.
On Cinco de mayo we decorated dresses (vestidos) with flowers (flores) similar to those worn in Latin America. We also painted bracelets (pulseras) made out of paper rolls.

Our letter of the week was d and we learned words that start with d: dentista, dientes, dulces, ducha, etc. The children pointed out that Daddy starts with d too. We molded letters and painted them after they dried.
During the two days when we couldn't go outside because of the rain, the children enjoyed running up and down our hallway and pushing trucks and toys up and down our hallway.
Also, there was lots of playing, reading, puzzle assembling and dry erase board drawing!

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