Monday, May 4, 2015

Más comida (More food)

We continued our unit of learning about foods we eat. We learned the names of some fruits (frutas), vegetables (vegetales), meat (carne), breakfast (desayuno), snack (botana), lunch (almuerzo), dinner (cena), dessert (postre), etc. 
 We created fun colorful pictures of fruits with stickers and colored some vegetables green.
The children really enjoyed sculpting with Model Magic (a playdough-like substance). They made different shapes and foods. They also made tortillas and we sang our tortilla song:
Uno, dos, tres tortillas
cuatro, cinco, seis tortillas
siete, ocho, nueve tortillas
diez tortillas deliciosas.

We also sculpted the letter d, our letter of the week, with the white dough. Words that start with d are dedo, ducha, dientes, dentista, dia, dormir, etc.
On April 22nd we celebrated Earth Day (Día de la Tierra) by talking about taking care of our planet Earth and environment by recycling, cleaning up after ourselves and picking up our trash. We also colored oceans blue and lands green with markers.
The children love to pretend to ride the train inside and outside. They build their own trains with chairs and toys.

Our spring Community Night and Día del niño Party was a huge success and a lot fun! Thank you all for coming to celebrate and build our community! I really appreciate each and every one of our families!

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