Friday, January 29, 2016

Animales del mar, insectos, etc.

We continued learning more about more animals like pez, sardina, pulpo, atún, tiburón, ballena, caballo del mar, calamar, hormiga, araña, saltamontes, libélula, mariposa, cucaracha, mosca, mosquito, etc. We created underwater scenes with stickers of fish, sharks, whales, algae, octopus, etc. and the children can "go fishing" with magnetic fishing poles that can pick up puzzle pieces of sea creatures! We sang:
Una sardina, una sardina nadando en el agua,
una sardina, una sardina blup, blup, hammm...
Oh no! fue comida por...
Un pulpito, un pulpito nadando en el agua, 
un pulpito, un pulpito blup, blup, hammm...
Oh no! fue comida por...
Un atún, un atún...
Un tiburón, un tiburón...
Una ballena, una ballena...
The children enjoyed making masks of butterflies (mariposas) and dragonflies (libélulas).

Our new trains, tracks and train-table was a big hit for all: boys, girls, younger children and older children!
We also talked about words that start with la letra V: Victor, violetas, vitaminas, ventana, volante, vinagre, valle, etc

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