Friday, February 12, 2016

Feliz día del amor y la amistad!

Happy Valentine's day everyone! At our Valentine's Party the children, teachers and families celebrated their friendships and enjoyed each other's company. The children had a lot of fun placing the friendship cards (tarjetas) that they brought from home into their friends' bags. Then they opened up their bags and out came many beautiful and colorful cards that they made for each other!
This month we are learning about shapes, formas, all around us: círculo, corazón, rectángulo, cuadrado, rombo, estrella, óvalo, etc.
We talk about how many sides, lados, and corners, esquinas, each shape has and what objects we can find that resemble those shapes. We draw, dibujar, and trace, trazar, shapes. We learned that there are no Spanish words that start with W. We do have a classmate whose name starts with a W and two classmates whose names have a w in the middle.

Outside the sandbox, cars, motorcycles and ride-on toys are always a hit with the children!

Inside the children reviewed their letters and enjoyed playing with the wooden blocks.
The children also like to build farms with the animals together.

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