Monday, May 16, 2016

La ropa = Clothing

This month we're learning about different pieces of clothing we wear (ropa que usamos) at different times of the year (in winter, summer, fall or spring) or to different places (to school, to bed, at home, to the pool, etc).
We sing a song where we include the children's names and the different pieces of clothing they wear that day:
Victor tiene una playera azul, una playera azul, una playera azul.
Victor tiene una playera azul todo el día.
Waverly tiene un vestido rosado, un vestido rosado, un vestido rosado.
Waverly tiene un vestido rosado todo el día.
Brody tiene pantalones negros...
Rea tiene zapatos verdes...
The children enjoy creating all kinds of artwork using markers, paint, masking tape, etc. 
Outside for a sensory activity we used water beads. The children enjoyed touching and feeling the beads, picking the beads up, pretending to cook with the beads and taking the beads to different parts of our outside area.

We talked about la letra N/n and some words that start with n: niños, naranja, nopal, nubes, nido, noche, etc.

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