Friday, September 30, 2016

Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies...

With the help of our Mrs and Mr Potatohead toys, we've been learning about our bodyparts: cabeza, hombros, rodillas, pies, rodillas, pies, ojos, orejas, boca y nariz...
We also started to use our instruments and sing our songs to the rhythms of the instruments.
We talked about the shape of the upper case and lower case E/e and the children enjoyed gluing strips of paper and stickers onto la letra E/e. We talked about words that start with E/e: Elijah, espejo, escuela, escoba, estufa, espinas, elote, estrellas, etc.

The children really enjoy exploring the wooden blocks and colorful blocks in our classroom.
They had fun exploring and molding clay into shapes.
 We also made pulseras, bracelets with perlas, beads.
 The children sit and read our books sometimes and have fun with the books.
And they had a lot of fun outside sorting bottle tops, tapas, according to size or color.

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