Friday, September 16, 2016

Las primeras dos semanas (The First Two Weeks)

We had a fantastic first couple of weeks of school! The children are getting used to our routines very well. It is very exciting to see that some children even want to stay longer after school and don't want to go home right away!


We talked about how we are feeling: feliz, triste, cansado(a), enojado(a), molesto(a), contento(a), emocionado(a), etc. We also said the words and pointed to parts of our face: cara, ojos, orejas, boca, nariz, cachetes, pelo, cejas, pestañas, etc. Recalling that vocabulary we made masks and faces with stickers.

We also learned about words that start with la letra A/a: Ana, Auden, animales, azul, avión, araña, amarillo, aves, etc. 

We also started talking about Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15) and we decorated and made sombreros para la cabeza. Some countries in Latin America celebrate their Independence Day today and other countries celebrate their independence from Spain on other dates throughout the year. 
The children are making friends and having fun playing with the toys inside and outside!

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