Friday, October 14, 2016

Mi familia

We talked about the different people that can make up a family: yo, bebé, mamá​, papá, hermano, hermana, abuela, abuelo, tío, tía, prima, primo, etc. We recited the poem with different family members: 
Dónde está mamá? Dónde está mamá? Aquí estoy. Aquí estoy. Yo te quiero mucho. Yo te quiero mucho. Besitos para tí, abrazitos para tí.
We also talked about la letra I/i and words that start with I/i: Isabel, insectos, isla, iglésia, impermeable, iguana, imán, iglú, etc. We glued paper strips to learn the shapes of I/i's.
The children also enjoyed drawing with markers and using clay to create shapes, "foods", "balls", "snowmen", "snakes", etc.
Outside they played a lot with the sand and the soft (suave), powdery (como polvo) dirt (tierra).

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