Saturday, September 27, 2014

Un elefante se balanceaba...

This week outside we really enjoyed playing with our parachute (paracaidas). We sang:
Un elefante se balanceaba en la tela de una araña
y como veia que no se caia, fue a llamar a otro elefante.
Dos elefantes se balanceaban en la tela de una araña
y como veian que no se caian, fueron a llamar a otro elefante.
Tres elefantes ...
We added a ball for each "elephant" that came onto our "spider web".
Lillian's mommy has been staying with us for a few hours each day. She has been assisting with all of our activities. Thank you so much for all your help Ms. Charlotte! Thank you to Lucas's mommy for donating the paracaidas and some outside toys! Thank you to Turner's mommy for bringing some school supplies!

Our letter of the week was E and we talked about how la letra E is made up of lines. We also made figures out of molding clay and paper sticks glued onto paper to review our vocabulary of the part of the body and face.

 The children really enjoyed painting fun pictures with watercolors.

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